1. Give yourself plenty of time for canning. While it only takes 10 to 15 minutes to process, you have to prepare the produce and bringing the water to a full boil is time consuming.
2. Always start with a clean kitchen.
3. You will need a few necessary pieces of equipment before you begin
Pint sized jars ( recipes are formulated for pint size jars, using quarts can be a food safety issue as it is a larger volume), jar holder, lid magnet ( the less you touch the items, the less chance for contamination), flats and bands.
Water Bath Canner
4. Follow recipe directions carefully, do not alter recipes. Use USDA, University Extension or Ball/Kerr recipes. These have been lab tested to insure the proper acidity necessary for proper preservation.
5. Check for vacuume seals after 12-24 hours of cooling. Refrigerate unsealed jars and consume within one week.
Steps for Water Bath Canning
1. Place rack in bottom of canner. Fill canner half full with clean warm water.
2. Center canner over burner and preheat water.
3. Fill large pot with enough water to cover pint size jar (you can lay them down on their sides) bring to boil, place jars ( 2 at a time, more if it is a big pot), flat lids and ring bands. Take out one jar when ready to fill. it is important to boil the jars, lids and bands to insure they are sterile and not contaminated. Fill jar and assemble with flat lid and ring band. Continue process until all of the Salsa is jarred up.
3. Load filled jars, fitted with lids and ring bands into the canner one at a time using the jar holder.
4. Once jars are in canner, add more water so that water level is at least one inch above the jars.
5. Bring to a full boil, begin timer and process according to the recipe directions. Keep canner covered while processing.
6. Use jar holder and carefully remove each jar and place on cooling rack or towel, do not have jars touching each other.
My Favorite Salsa
25 large or 50 medium tomatoes ( I like to use grape or cherry tomatoes)
4 large onions
2 c. jalapeño peppers ( if you do not want the sauce too spicy, remove the seeds)
2 c. green pepppers ( my garden this year has red, yellow, red and purple, this will work well)
1 c. vinegar
1/4 c. salt
1 tbs. chili powder
1 tbs. sugar
1 tsp. garlic powder
**You may peel tomatoes by placing tomatoes in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes, run under cold water, peel,should come right off. I typically do not peel mine, I slightly pulse the salsa in my food processor after it has finished simmering and then pack the salsa in the jars.
1. Add all ingredients together. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and simmer salsa 3 to 5 hours.
2. Fill pint jars leaving 1/4 " head space.
3. Process jars in hot water bath for 15 minutes. ( Remember, do not begin to time until the water is at a rolling boil stage)
2. Fill pint jars leaving 1/4 " head space.
3. Process jars in hot water bath for 15 minutes. ( Remember, do not begin to time until the water is at a rolling boil stage)
Use magnet to place flat lid and ring band on jar. Be sur to wipe off any salsa from the rim of the jar with a clean cloth.
Fill jars and assemble with lids and bands.
Cover jars with at least two inches above the jars. Bring to a full boil, cover canner with lid, and begin timing.
Remove and do not disturb for 12 to 24 hours.
For more helpful canning information, see the following websites:
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