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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!  Now that we have indulged in sweets and lovely food today, did you remember that February is Heart Healthy month?  It is staggering to realize that it is estimated that over 630,000 Americans die of Heart Disease on a yearly basis!  Sounds pretty awful, but the good news is that you can prevent it happening to you and to your family with a few lifestyle changes.  It is a matter of what you are willing to do.  These "changes" do not have to be big, they can be a small as voiding your diet of one culprit food.  Foods to be aware of when thinking about your heart are those that are high in sodium, fat and sugar.  All of these contribute to chronic disease which leads to heart disease.  I want to focus on pop, and those close to me know, this comes as no surprise!  I have spent the last 2 years doing research and my motivation was when health deteriorated at our house and hit my back doorstep with a vengeance!  I used to love the saying, I would rather have a root canal than to do______fill in the blank.  Well, I realized the hard way, that root canals are not only painful physically, but painful to one's pocket book as well.  An average cost of a root canal is around $1,500.  Those of us lucky to have dental insurance, we get  a bit of a break, but a good amount will have to come from your pocket book.  For any amount, I could find better things to do than having a session of pain and time to heel.

So, how do we motivate ourselves to get rid of our pop habit or the sports drinks and energy drinks?  What can you do with extra money in your budget?  I challenge you to add up how much you spend on sugary drinks in your household per month, take it times 12 and is it a large amount?  If it is, motivate yourself by thinking about something you may like to have that is currently not in your budget.  If you know me, I would love an iPad!  I have so many things I could do with an iPad.  I would place a picture of MY iPad on a jar and slowly (because, my drink of choice would be Coke before I stopped drinking it and it is full of caffeine) reduce the amount you drink and put the money in the jar.  You will be amazed at how quickly it adds up.  Now, if this does not motivate you, perhaps these Public Announcement Videos from the New York City Health Department Will:

 The fact is this, pop and sugary drinks, along with energy drinks can contribute to deteriorating health.  Make it a treat and NOT a "gotta have it all day everyday" beverage.

Think about other choices, water, milk, and 100% juice in small amounts.  Juice has vitamins and minerals but is loaded in natural sugars.  These are just as bad for your health as sugar.  What about diet pop?  Diet pop has replaced those packets of sugar with aspartame and other chemicals.  In large amounts, these sugar alternatives can cause health issues as well.  Soda tends to be acidic and can strip the enamel from your teeth as well as we are learning that the carbonation from pop can pull calcium from your bones.  So....what is your choice?  Here is a fun video that I use when talking about the importance of Vitamin D and Calcium.  I am going to begin a research study of a lesson I am currently developing.  If you or someone you know is interested in reducing the amount of pop and sugary drinks your family consumes, please use the comment section of this blog to let me know.  I would love to have you look at my lesson and give me feedback.  Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!  Treat your Heart with Healthy food and remember to Exercise!

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